likeNU Carpet Care & Spot Removal Guide
Vacuuming and Steam Cleaning
Carpets take a lot of abuse from feet, dirt, dust, oily cooking mist, spills and more. Daily vacuuming can remove dirt, dust and other contaminants which cause wear and create unsightly appearance. For best results, always vacuum in multiple directions. Also, do not get too close to the fringe on rugs with the beater bar; you can vacuum them safely with hand attachments.
Remember, to maximize the life of your carpet, you should steam clean once or twice a year. It’s cheaper to have your carpets cleaned than to have them replaced. Frequent steam cleaning also has many health benefits for you and your family, including removal of allergens like mold spores and dust, and elimination of insects and disease-causing microbes.
Remove SPOTS before they become STAINS!
For effective tough spot removal, keep the following spot removing agents on hand. They should be used in the recommended sequence listed next to the stain below.
- 1. Cold Water
- 2. Detergent Solvent: Mix one tablespoon of clear dishwashing liquid and a cup of warm (not hot) water.
- 3. Ammonia Solvent: Mis one tablespoon of clear household ammonia (3% solution) with 1/2 cup water.
- 4. Solvent: Dry cleaning solvent (available at most hardware stores)
- 5. Ice: Chill with ice cubes in a plastic bag. Shatter residue, pick or scrape off and vacuum.
- 6. Vinegar Solvent: Mix 1/3 cup of white vinegar with 2/3 cup of water.
- 7. Warm Water (not hot)
- 8. Clear nail polish remover (preferably acetone)
- 9. Alcohol or Methylated Mineral Spirits Turpentine
- 10. Rust Remover
- 11. Absorbent Powder (e.g., salt, talc or proprietary absorbant powders)
- 12. Absorbent Cleaners (e.g., Host)
Types of Stains
You will want to match up the numbers next to the stain for the treaments list above.
- Alchoholic Beverages: 1,2
- Bleach: 1,3
- Blood: 1,2
- Butter: 4,2
- Candle Wax: 5,4
- Chewing Gum: 5,4
- Chocolate: 2,3,6
- Coffee: 1,2,4
- Colas & Soft Drinks: 7,2
- Cooking Oils: 4,2
- Cream: 2,4
- Egg: 2
- Felt Tip Pen: 7,2,8
- Floor Wax: 4
- Fruit Juice: 1,2
- Furniture Polish: 4,2,3
- Gravy & Sauces: 7,2
- Ink (Fountain Pen): 1,2
- Ink (Ball Point): 4,9,2
- Ketchup: 7,2
- Lipstick: 4,2
- Mercurochrome: 2,3,6
- Milk: 7,4,2
- Mustard: 2
- Nail Polish: Always let harden before attempting removal which can take up to 24 hours for a large drop or spill. After drying use a blunt scraper and you should be able to scrape off most if not all of the polish, then do the next steps: 8,4
- Oil & Grease: 4,2
- Paint (Latex): 2,3,4
- Paint (Oil): 9,4,2
- Rust: 4,2,10
- Salad Dressing: 2,4
- Shoe Polish: 4,2
- Soot: 4,2,3
- Tar: 4
- Tea: 1,2,4
- Urine (Fresh): 1,2
- Urine (Old): 2,3,6
- Vomit: 2
- Wine: 11,1,2
- Unknown Material: 4,12,2