Keep the outside of your business pristine with power washing service from likeNU! We’re a trusted name in commercial cleaning for 28 years and counting.
The insults are many – acid rain and bird droppings smeared on your brick and siding; gum spots and drinks spilled on your walks; tarry grease and noxious liquids coating your dumpster pad. Our professional power washing service can erase this grime and return your exterior to likeNU condition. Our commercial-grade 20 horsepower pressure washers produce 4,000 pounds of pressure while outputting 6 gallons of water per minute! Equipped with state-of-the-art turbo tips, these master blasters make short work of wood deck mold, dust, mud, shrubbery stains, oil spots and more.
likeNU has power washed businesses in the nine-county metro Detroit area for more than 28 years. likeNU is “A+” rated and accredited by the Better Business Bureau. We’re also screened and approved by “Home Advisor”. We clean more than 500 halls, bars and restaurants, more than 500 bank branches, and dozens of auto dealer, clinics, hospitals, hotels and more. Check out our residential and commercial references in the drop-down menu. Experience the likeNU difference yourself – call 586-558-7337 today!